Belly fat bursting amazing foods – Healthy habits

Make sure to inculcate them in your diet, they will make sure to reduce the extra inches of your belly.

1. Green tea – Green tea with lemon and honey is a powerful metabolism stimulator. Drinking it regularly not only aids in weight loss ,but also reduces fat absorption.

2. Apples – Packed with fibres ,makes you feel your belly full.

3. Almonds- A nut with belly bursting power. It reduces the cravings and helps in muscle building. It is a very convenient snack. Ensure to have it with skin.

4. Spinach – This low calorie (only 40 calories per cup)highly versatile food is a belly fat must have. Also it is a good source of calcium.

5. Nut butters – They are a great source of monosaturated fats ,which helps drop the belly fat.

6. Consume omega 3 fatty acids. They target the tummy fats.

7. Certain foods like seeds ,nuts, apple cider vinegar ,soy, tofu and apple,  help getting rid of the belly fat. Flax seeds and apple are natural appetite suppressants

8. Tomatoes – Low in calorie and high in water content ,makes it a perfect belly minimizer. It is also a great diuretic which also reduces belly bloating.

9. Mushrooms – Lack of vitamin D can be associated with higher levels of belly fat. Since they are natural source of vitamin D, they work great on belly fats.

20 thoughts on “Belly fat bursting amazing foods – Healthy habits”

  1. Just remember that mushrooms don’t have much vitamin D. The only real source of vitamin D is oily fish like salmon. However, all the foods you mention are very healthy. Good article!

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